Stacey DiNardo

Stacey DiNardo

CCC Leadership Team

Appears in 80 Episodes

What Is Discipleship?

If you have spent time in a church, you have probably heard the word “discipleship” a time or two. Tune in as CCC staff discuss why discipleship means more than attend...

COVID-19 & Suffering

It's been about nine months since our lives changed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and many have faced immense suffering. Whether it's from losing a loved one or...

Why Is Evangelism Difficult?

If we're being honest, sharing our faith does not come easy to most of us. What is it that makes it so difficult? Tune in to this episode of Church Unplugged as our le...

The Reimagine Story

As we gear up to officially launch CCC's new vision, Reimagine, our Leadership Team talks about how the idea came to be. Tune in as they discuss what lead to this chan...

CCC Staffing

How does CCC approach staffing? With a large team, we know there might be some questions about how we operate. Tune in to this episode of Church Unplugged to learn how...

Election Reaction

Spoiler Alert: This podcast was recorded before Election Day. Why? Because we believe that regardless of who wins or loses, we are not hopeless. We know that whoeve...


As followers of Jesus, we're called to forgive as Jesus forgave us. But in all reality, that is easier said than done. Forgiveness will always cost something–either we...

How To Confront Sinful Behavior

How do we respond to sin like Jesus? When we look at the life of Jesus, we see him responding to sinners with both love and truth. Tune into this episode of Church ...

What does it mean to have a relationship with God?

Understanding what it means to have a relationship with God is best understood when we consider what it means to have a relationship with anyone. Spending time and con...

Christians, the Gospel, and Social Media

Jesus said, "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." If he lived on earth now, perhaps he might have said, "Out of the overflow of the heart, the person t...

What is Hell?

Our first inclination can be to think that if God were truly loving, he would not send people to hell, let alone have created it in the first place. But, in order to b...

Do Denominational Differences Matter?

Did you know it wasn’t until the Protestant Reformation when the public could freely access the Bible that various denominations and sects began within Christianity? T...

What will Heaven be like?

Have you thought about how you’ll be spending your time in eternity? Do images of sitting on clouds, playing harps, and wearing white robes cross your mind? In this ep...

Why Do Christians Need Church?

In Christianity, it’s common to hear that our faith is all about a personal relationship with Jesus. But if that’s all we believe to be true, then why does the Bible m...

Bible-Based Masculinity

How does the Bible define what it means to be a man? In a world that has a million opposing opinions on how men should behave, it’s important to have a clear understan...

Christian Dating

Have you ever considered that God designed dating as a way to sanctify you? This notion is quite at odds with our cultural ideas of dating that are self-centered and f...

Women + Christianity

Women in ministry, gender roles, and purity culture. We know these hot topic issues are ones that cause tension and have not always been handled well by the church. Th...

Christian Celebrities

What do Kanye West and Tim Keller have in common? They are both celebrities that have publicly proclaimed faith in Jesus Christ. Does seeing their names in the same se...

How should Christians think about Marijuana?

Short answer? It's a more complicated, nuanced topic than we want it to be. But before you jump to any conclusions, listen in on the conversation as we discuss medical...

What should I watch?

Game of Thrones, The Bachelor, HGTV. Pick your poison! Whatever you choose to watch, is it realistic to think our entertainment has no effect on us? Do the shows we wa...

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