Stacey DiNardo
CCC Leadership Team
Appears in 83 Episodes
Should We Believe What an Enneagram Test Says About Us?
In today's episode of Church Unplugged, we'll discuss personality tests, including the popular Enneagram Test, that through a series of questions analyze and predict t...

How do we navigate being a citizen of our country?
Tune into today's episode of Church Unplugged as we discuss how to navigate being a citizen of this country while maintaining our citizenship in the Kingdom of God. As...

How should Christians view work-life balance?
On today's episode of Church Unplugged we discuss the phenomenon of work-life balance, what it means to leave work in the office, and how we can glorify God no matter ...

What is the Process of Sanctification?
In today’s episode of Church Unplugged, we discuss sanctification. Although it can often sound like an intimidating theological process, sanctification is simply growi...

How should Christians interact with AI?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we discussed the possible unintended consequences of AI and how Christians should interact with artificial intelligence as it cont...

How does God speak to us?
How do we actually hear the voice of God, and how do we know it's really his voice? In today's episode of Church Unplugged, we discuss how to not only be intentional i...

Men's Summit Recap
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we have a chance to sit down and talk about what God has been doing in our church since the recent Men's Summit event. The event i...

Should Christians integrate into the current culture?
How do we, as Christians, navigate the current culture? On this episode of Church Unplugged, we'll dive into this intimidating question and ask ourselves how much we s...

A Christian Look at Antisemitism
In the recent months following the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks that took place in Israel, there's been a rise in our culture's conversation on antisemitism. This episode ...

How does our understanding of God impact our everyday life?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we'll delve into the significance of our understanding of God's relationship with us. Often, there is a disconnect between our pro...

Why shouldn't Christians live together before marriage?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we're answering the question of why Christian couples should not live together before marriage. Join us for an honest discussion ...

When should the church speak publicly on political and cultural events?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we are discussing how CCC approaches making public responses to various political and cultural events. How do we process through ...

2023 Election Response
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we are discussing the recent passage of Issues 1 and 2 in the state of Ohio. In some ways, Christians in Ohio awake to a new moral...

Ohio Issue 1
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we are discussing Ohio Issue 1. This issue will have wide-ranging implications regarding the availability and protections for abor...

CCC Sermons: How Are They Prepared?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we discuss how sermons are prepared here at CCC. If you've ever wondered how we think about the whole year and decide which topics...

Generosity vs. Stewardship: Which is correct?
When considering your giving, sometimes it can be challenging as a Christian to balance generosity and stewardship. Should you give all your money away out of generosi...

Why Does Community Matter?
You may have heard the word "community" used often in church settings. What is community, and why does it matter? We're answering these questions on this episode of Ch...

What Role Does Gratitude Play in Our Lives?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we're discussing gratitude. What role does it play in our lives as Christians, and how do we practice it?

Your relationship with God: What does it look like practically?
Relationships require communication, time together, and hearing from both parties. So, what does having a relationship with God look like practically? We’re talking ab...

What Makes Christianity Compelling?
Plenty of other religions and worldviews are out there, so with the largest number of followers, what makes Christianity so compelling? We're answering that question o...

How should Christians respond to gun violence?
As you look around, you may be disheartened by the increasing occurrence of gun violence and loss of life. As Christians, how should we respond to gun violence? Tune i...

Our Sin Nature
You may have heard that humans have a sin nature. What exactly does that mean? Tune into this episode of Church Unplugged to find out!

Christians and Gambling
Have you ever wondered how should Christians think about gambling? In this episode of Church Unplgglued, our Leadership Team is answering that question.

Made in the Image of God: What Does It Mean?
In this episode of Church Unplugged, we're answering the question, what does it mean to be created in the image of God? What does this mean for our everyday lives? Tun...

Legalism and Our Relationship With Jesus
What is legalism, and how can we pursue genuine growth in our relationship without becoming legalistic? We're answering these questions on this episode of Church Unplu...

A letter to the American Church: What would it say?
We see letters written to various churches in the Bible. In this episode of Church Unplugged, we're answering the question, what would a letter written to the modern-d...

What makes a healthy church member?
In this episode of "Church Unplugged," we’re unpacking what makes a healthy church member. Take a listen!

Christians and Physical Fitness
Today's Church Unplugged episode answers the question, does the Bible have anything to say about physical fitness? Tune in, and let's talk about it!

How to Read Revelation
One of the most common questions our Leadership Team gets is about the book of Revelation. If you’re wondering how Christians should think about Revelation, this “Chur...

What Does the Bible Say About Gender?
Gender identity is a popular topic in our culture. As Christians, how do we navigate this subject? On this episode of Church Unplugged, we're answering the question, w...