Mike Holwerda

Mike Holwerda

Appears in 6 Episodes

Do we choose God or does he choose us?

Obviously we both play a part, but who initiates the process by which we are saved? It has to start somewhere! The theological terms often used for this conversation a...

Is the death penalty a good or bad thing?

The death penalty has long been debated in the West, with some asserting it's clear sense of justice and others questioning how it could line up with a pro-life stance...

Do Miracles Still Happen?

Every new life in Christ is a miracle. The Browns winning a championship would also be a miracle. So how do we define a miracle? And how do we make sense of the miracu...

Is there evidence to believe that Jesus rose from the dead?

Almost all historians, whether Christian, Atheist, or Jewish, can agree that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. Yet it's what happened after that is often debated. Did J...

What’s so special about the Bible?

What's so special about the Bible? Or better yet, how do we know that the Bible we have today hasn't been changed or edited over time? Can it still be trustworthy and ...

What does it mean to be an Evangelical?

What do you think of when you hear the term "evangelical"? Historically, Christians have used this label to identify themselves as people who believe that the Bible is...

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